Blackboard​--great for those using examview! You have to request a class from


How do I request a Blackboard Learn class?
  1. Log in to the K-12 Members site.
  2. Under the Personal tab, click on the Course Services link.
  3. In the Request a Blackboard Learn class area, enter the name of the class and click the Submit button.
  4. The class name will now appear in the Your pending Blackboard Learn classes area.
  5. Once the class has been created:
    • The class name will appear in the Your Blackboard Learn classes area.
    • You will receive an email notification with additional information.


How do I log in to Blackboard Learn?
  1. In your web browser, navigate to
  2. Type in your State K-12 username and password.
    Note: This is the same username/password you use to access your State K-12 E-mail.
  3. You will now be logged into the Blackboard Learn page, which lists the sections you are enrolled in.
How do I enroll students, teachers or teacher assistants in my Blackboard Learn class?
  1. Log in to Blackboard Learn and go to the class in which you would like to enroll users. 
  2. Click on Control Panel → Users and Groups → Users.
  3. Click the Find Users to Enroll button.
  4. In the Username text field type the username that you would like to enroll.
  5. In the Role drop-down menu, select Student, Teacher, or Teaching Assistant.
  6. Click the Submit button.
  7. The user should now appear on the bottom of the Users page.

Tip: To add multiple users repeat steps 3 through 6.


Here are the instructions to import those files into Blackboard. 
  1. In Blackboard go to the left side Class Tools > Tests, Surveys and Pools > Tests (on the right side) > Import test (import the .zip file created from examview)

    In Blackboard go to class content (on the left) > Assessments (on the right) > test and then select the test you just imported

 Jason Selchert recorded this for me to help schedule your test.

SafeAssign (like turnitin) is available for teachers to use in their Blackboard Learn courses.

If you’re interested in learning more about SafeAssign, Blackboard posted a short YouTube video tutorial about it

Benefits: class is an online community, login is their email, you can import examview tests and they are graded within blackboard, it does work on an ipad.

Videos about Blackboard​

Blackboard Learn Tutorials​